No master has fallen from the sky yet
Learn the craft of building a business in 4 steps
betascale’s program for aspiring builders is designed to get you ready to build and lead a business in record time. Learn from experienced entrepreneurs, expand your network, and earn the right to lead a business in the betascale ecosystem.
- Develop your skills at a young SaaS company
- Get mentorship from seasoned entrepreneurs
- Eventually lead a betascale company

First, you will work on tasks as a betascale intern
This ain’t your traditional internship.
At betascale, you’ll need to take responsibility quickly and learn the craft of your field – whether it’s engineering, marketing, sales, or business in general. Within 2-3 months you work on products and tasks that pique your interest, learn what it takes to make progress every day, and eventually qualify for a trainee position.
We want our journey to quickly help us both identify if entrepreneurship and company building is for you.
Second, you dig deeper as a trainee
As a trainee, you’ll have the opportunity to contribute to the codebase, co-shape Go-to-Market strategies, optimize sales funnels, assist in and manage strategic projects, and execute business strategies. The trainee period is typically 3 months.

Third, you focus on what you are good at and learn the craft as an employee
As an employee, you work along your teammates in the company where you can make the biggest difference. You’re a full-fledged member of the betascale community. After 12 months, if you are eligible to become a builder, you start leading a betascale company supported by betascale management.
Finally, you might lead a betascale company
After this steep learning curve and getting to know the betascale community, you have the opportunity to implement ideas of betascale partners using the betascale company builder infrastructure and build a business.
betascale’s program for aspiring builders is, so to speak, the first Swiss entrepreneur apprenticeship and a stepping stone into the world of software entrepreneurs.