betascale launches CodeCell – an innovative model to alleviate the shortage of IT specialists in Switzerland

Funny anecdote… CodeCell and the collaboration with Kosovo came about by chance, so to speak. Through Selise, a partner of one of our companies, we got to know the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, and his team in 2022. We were amazed by the government’s commitment to the development of Kosovo. Especially in connection with ICT and the collaboration with countries such as Switzerland.

Shortly afterward, the pizza chef from the pizzeria above which Parashift has its office contacted us and gave us a CV of his nephew. His nephew was a software engineer and really wanted to build a company “we should talk to him and see where this ends up”. A few weeks later, we jointly founded the company in Pristina and started with the operations for our startups.

Today, we are opening up our network and access to other Swiss companies also.

More information about CodeCell can be found at or in the CodeCell press release.